About a month ago, when I posted about why I don't consider Christianity a religion, @theliz13 tweeted to me and mentioned her problem with religion. I found what she said so interesting that I decided to write this three-part series in order to address her comments. This is the second part of the result. Here's part one.
The third tweet from @theliz13 in our conversation, and the one that caught my attention the most (the whole conversation is posted in the first part of this series). |
The traditional interpretation of sovereignty
There's this funny word that Christians like to use in reference to God's power and will, and it is sovereignty.(It's part of the vocabulary of what I refer to as "Christianese", which is made up of words from the King James translation of the Bible that most people who aren't Christians don't know the meaning of, and that Christians use all the time when talking about anything to do with Christianity. Much of the time, Christians don't really know what those words mean, either, but we know how to use them.)